
Category : others

Cover Image for How to change port in your Next.js app

How to change port in your Next.js app

Next.js apps run locally by default on the port 3000. If you want to run two Next.js apps at once locally, or if this port is already taken (since it is often used ), you will need to run your app on a different port.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for How to use Font Awesome 5 with Next.js

How to use Font Awesome 5 with Next.js

Font Awesome is one of the most popular icon libraries for web apps. This tutorial will show you how tu use it in our Next.js app.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for Add authentication to your Next.js app with NextAuth.js

Add authentication to your Next.js app with NextAuth.js

Implementing authentication in an app from the ground app is a sensitive and tedious process, luckily several new ways emerged to make this task easier (Firebase authentication, Auth0, passport.js, …) . We will see in this article how to implement authentication in our Next.js app using NextAuth.js.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for How to implement a search functionnality in a Next.js app

How to implement a search functionnality in a Next.js app

Implementing a search functionality in a Next.js app should take into account the structure of our app, the nature of its data, … But if you need a general idea of how it could be done, this article shows how it was implemented in the current site you are on right now.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for The comprehensive guide to react-quill (for React and Next.js)

The comprehensive guide to react-quill (for React and Next.js)

Quill is an open source, very modular WYSIWYG rich text editor for web apps, that comes with many useful features. React-quill is a Quill component for use with React and React-based frameworks ( like Next.js). In this article, we will go in details to explore all the possibilities offered by react-quill to our React and Next.js apps.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for Use Quill as a rich text editor in next.js

Use Quill as a rich text editor in next.js

If you need to integrate a rich text editor in you next.js app, multiple options available, from building it from the ground up using draft.js to the simplistic option like react-simple-wysiwyg . One of the better options, which offers flexibility, simplicity to use and rich features is certainly Quill.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for The simple guide to debug Next.js apps in VSCode

The simple guide to debug Next.js apps in VSCode

Debugging your code is important if your app is showing an unwanted behaviour or errors. We will see in this article how to debug a Next.js app in VSCode, one pf the most popular IDEs.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for How to add Google Analytics to your Next.js project

How to add Google Analytics to your Next.js project

Google Analytics is a great way to monitor the activity of visitors on your Next.js site. Adding Google Analytics to your Next.js site is pretty simple, as will be shown.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for Deploy your Next.js app on Heroku with ease

Deploy your Next.js app on Heroku with ease

While Next.js apps are usually delayed on Vercel, you can prefer to deploy your app on Heroku. This tutorial will show you how to do this easily and fast.

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda
Cover Image for Simple data fetching with SWR in Next.js

Simple data fetching with SWR in Next.js

SWR is a React hook for data fetching that is lightweight, fast and easy to use. More importantly it is perfect fot Next.js as it supports both Static Generation (SSG) and Server-side Rendering (SSR).

Marouane Reda
Marouane Reda